And this was my present to me:

What a difference this makes. I thought I loved my lapstand but there is absolutely no comparison. Stitching is a joy and maybe a little faster without the balancing and re-arranging. I can still swap out all of my scroll frames and switch from project to project- currently Blossom Fae is mounted on it.
Apparently I do have an issue with pink. I received my order of pink silks from Vicki and as you can see from this picture- pink is NOT the focus. I can honestly say I thought I was thinking and ordering pink!

hello babd bad blogger...
i like your stand.. very good xmas present my dear..
loved the silks pic too..
Some of them were pink..
what is that pretty purple one in the middle ICE W..... it is delicious, i need to order it
It is Ice Wine and very pretty
on the site it doesn't look that purple... it looks more pink, which is closer to the true colour, you pic or the BB one??
It really is purple like my picture
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