Saturday, January 06, 2007

Some Interesting Numbers

I have updated my spreadsheet with all of the HAED charts I own and some interesting numbers popped out.
I own 71 charts (gulp!)
The most common colour is 823 (navy).
There are only 16 DMC colurs not used in any of the charts.
There are 30 colours in only one chart.
Sparkles are in 33 of the charts.
And of course, I own more Nadia's than any other artist!


fudgey said...

how interesting!!!!
ican't do that as i get all the charts, but i would honestly have thought one of the 317,318 greys or 647 was most common..
spose it depends which charts you get
i don't use a lot of 823 in my stitching

Terri in Ajax said...

The Nadia sampler can and will be adjusted for new releases. I too want Poppy.
For Taj I am going with all of the suggested threads since this is my first and I don't want to experiment